Letting go to experience love

This is not open relating. 

Open relating covers all manor of dating. 

What we’re doing is more like a spiritual path, and although sacred union is at the centre of this reality, it is not the reality of ‘our partnership must stay together against all odds’.

I’m invested in the deeper mysteries of this world, and every drop deeper into this path of sexual mastery that I take offers me a clearer view of the clarity that can be gained when I let eros lead the way.

When it comes to meeting new people and being open to eros leading the way, I’ve asked myself the question of ‘what is it I’m tracking or looking for if it’s not open relating?’ I noticed that I’m looking for people who can hold a perspective of everything and nothing as they open to the current of energy that we feel between us as individuals. This goes for every person I meet. 

In other words when someone feels a magnetic pull towards me are they meeting it with the innocence and purity of mere curiosity? Or are they wanting to gain something for their souls desires or personality desires?

A soul desire may be because they want to obtain a certain gift or quality that I obtain.

A personality desire maybe because they are projecting romantic ideals or personal needs met when connecting with me.

As for those who are seeking partnership, partnership for me is based on aligned values and deep feelings of belonging that can show up as chemistry, excitement, and longing. If this arises when I meet someone and I already have a committed partnership I would explore where are my values not fully aligning with the partnership I’m currently in, and can I create a conversation with my partner to alchemise that. This is where commitment sits for me underneath the exploration ‘following my eros’.

When I can feel the purity of an authentic thread it usually comes as a surprise and I find myself in awe of what is being revealed. As I step towards the connection sometimes it’s unclear whether the relationship that emerges when I follow the current will offer me a friend, a sexual connection, a new business partnership or a just an insight.

Some of these connections can move between the labels from one meeting to the next. When someone has the capacity to meet in the authenticity of the space between you and them, I find magic and potency is easily available.

When 2 (or more) people are willing to meet that thread of consciousness that is available in the space between them, a magical revealing begins to occur. I may describe this as the ‘temple lands’ and other possibilities open up. When this revealing comes alive, it’s as if the conscious mind drops away and the bodies are being led by the current of life. When connecting to this place it can feel incredibly vulnerable as we let go of attachment to how things are to allow life to show us what we need to see next.

The initiatory path in sacred union here isn’t about trusting your beloved not to hurt you, but to discover safety in the union guiding you deeper into your mastery path (aka your spiritual evolution, the awakening, or even enlightenment). 

The skill set to acquire for this isn’t to trust that your partner knows what is right for you, but to let go of the idea that you need to control anything to experience love.

Victoria Bardovic